Rare Menopausal Symptoms Every Woman Should Know About

Rare Menopausal Symptoms Every Woman Should Know About

Menopause marks a significant stage in a woman's life, often characterised by its common symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, and changes in libido. However, beyond these well-documented signs, there are lesser-known symptoms that many might not immediately associate with perimenopause or menopause. Understanding these rare symptoms can empower women to better manage their health during this transition, and share this vital knowledge so that support can be found. Let's explore some of the unusual menopausal symptoms that every woman should be aware of.

Rare Menopausal Symptoms Every Woman Should Know About

Rare Symptoms Experienced During Perimenopause and Menopause

Dry Mouth and Burning Tongue

Up to 40% of women report experiencing symptoms of dry mouth or a burning sensation in their tongue during menopause [Natuional Library of Medicine, 2013]. These discomforts are primarily attributed to the decline in estrogen production, which can disrupt the normal function of salivary glands. Such symptoms can significantly interfere with daily life, making eating and speaking challenging. To alleviate these issues, it's helpful to keep a food and drink diary to identify triggers. Incorporating drinks that enhance saliva production, such as ice water with lemon, apple cider vinegar, or a hint of cinnamon, can also be beneficial.

Itchy Skin

As estrogen levels drop, so does the production of sebum, the skin's natural lubricant. This decline can lead to dry, itchy skin, a condition that might catch many by surprise as a symptom of menopause. To combat dry skin, regular moisturisation is key. Additionally, increasing the intake of healthy fats like fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds can help maintain skin health and alleviate itchiness.


Feeling dizzy during menopause doesn't necessarily indicate a severe health issue but is rather a symptom of hormonal changes affecting the inner ear, which is sensitive to estrogen. A decrease in this hormone can impair your balance, affecting your sense of stability and safety. Understanding that dizziness can be a part of menopausal changes allows women to seek appropriate treatments and adjustments to manage this symptom.

Joint and Muscle Pain

Following the dizziness that some women experience, another significant but less discussed symptom of menopause is joint and muscle pain. These discomforts are not just due to the natural aging process but are intricately linked to hormonal changes during menopause.

"Oestrogen is likely to play an important role in the onset of musculoskeletal aches and pains in the menopause," says Dr. Clare Spencer, a GP from My Menopause Centre. "Oestrogen affects your cartilage, which is the connective tissue in joints, as well as bone turnover (the natural replacement of bone in your body), so it can play a part in inflammation and pain." As oestrogen levels decline, women may notice an increase in joint stiffness and muscle soreness. Regular physical activity can help keep joints flexible and muscles strong, while also promoting overall well-being. Incorporating strength training, stretching and anti-inflammatory foods or turmeric supplements can support managing the inflammation associated with menopausal changes. 

Read more: The Power of Turmeric During Peri Menopause

Changes in Body Odour

An unexpected change during menopause can be in body odour, where one armpit might smell different from the other. This phenomenon is due to hormonal fluctuations, increased sensitivity to body products, and heightened sweating from hot flushes and night sweats. Additionally, the pH balance of the vagina can also change. Opting for body care products low in harsh chemicals and wearing clothes made from natural fibres like cotton can help manage these changes more comfortably.

Rare Menopausal Symptoms Every Woman Should Know About

Managing Menopausal Symptoms

While these symptoms might be less common, they are no less significant in the lives of those experiencing them. Awareness and understanding are crucial in managing menopause effectively. By recognising all menopause and perimenopause symptoms, women can take proactive steps towards alleviating discomfort and improving their quality of life. Consulting healthcare providers for tailored advice and exploring natural supplements can also provide support during this transition.

At Nature’s Help, we believe in empowering women with knowledge and natural solutions. Explore our full range of women's health supplements today.

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